
Startup Buddy presents workshop on ‘Termsheet discussion with Investors’

Startup Buddy presents workshop on ‘Termsheet discussion with Investors’

Startup Buddy presents workshop on ‘Termsheet discussion with Investors’

19th November 2019 - 19th November 2020

Where : Noida

The session will be taken by Mr. Amit Singal, Cofounder and CEO Startup Buddy.

What is term sheet and which topics will be covered ?

The term sheet is “Non-Binding” as it reflects only the key and broad points between parties under which the investment will be made.

It also acts as a template for the in-house or external legal teams to draft definitive agreements.

Term for discussions are:

1) Issuer
2) Type of Equities/ Securities
3) Premoney Valuation
4) Postmoney valuation
5) Amount of shares
6) Conversion
7) Price per share
8) Dividends