
nasscom emerge 50 awards 2023


nasscom emerge 50 awards 2023

1st August 2023 - 2nd December 2023

Where : Online

Emerge 50 2023 is back!

Marathon search for the India's emerging & innovative deep tech startups has begun!

Welcome to Emerge 50 - India's most prestigious award celebrating innovation in deep tech startups! With a legacy spanning over a decade, Emerge 50 has been at the forefront of recognizing visionary innovative companies that have matured and made a lasting impact since their nominations. India's technology startup ecosystem is diverse and dynamic, boasting leaders in tech services, SaaS, fintech, consumer tech, and a growing focus on strategic sectors like spacetech, cybersecurity, drones, and more. The next wave of innovation will be powered by deep tech technologies - AI, data economy, cybersecurity, blockchain, Web 3, quantum computing, and the remarkable convergence of cutting-edge technologies. Emerge 50 award acknowledges the transformative potential of these startups to solve some of the world's most pressing challenges and address critical global issues. It celebrates the pioneers who are harnessing the power of deep tech to create groundbreaking solutions and redefine the future of industries and societies worldwide. Join us on this journey to celebrate the legacy of Emerge 50 and embrace the promising future it heralds - where deep tech innovations lead us towards a brighter, more sustainable, and technologically enriched world.